Morning Health Tips: 3 Simple Tools To Reduce Your Belly Fat


Morning Health Tips: 3 Simple Tools To Reduce Your Belly Fat

Are you sick and tired of having excess belly fat? That layer of fat that surrounds your belly button is challenging to change. This abdominal area of belly fat changes due to age, hormonal fluctuation, stress, sleep, and of course food.

Unless you are sitting on the couch 24 hours a day, reducing your stubborn belly fat is very achievable.

I have found that many people struggle with a healthy morning routine. In order to maintain this stubborn belly fat, you MUST

…start your day with a high revving motor in order to keep your metabolic engine efficient throughout the day.

How do you accomplish this?

Here are 3 morning health tips to say GOODBYE to your stubborn belly fat:

  1. Eat Breakfast: Our grandma’s were right when they told us breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A morning meal is still overlooked, avoided, and underrated. Eating something soon upon waking up is what begins the day with a high revving motor. To lower belly fat and stabilize blood sugar we need all three macronutrients: proteins, carbs, and some fat. Aim for getting this mixture every morning, with carbs and protein as your main source of energy.
  2. Coffee AFTER Food: After years of coaching clients, I still read food journals about coffee being consumed as breakfast and/or before breakfast. Yikes! This is like kicking someone when they are already down, or in physiology terms, we are squeezing the bejeezus out of our adrenal glands and wreaking havoc on blood sugar. Did you know that your umbilical region is a cortisol receptor site? That excess belly fat is a mixture of your various stressors, and consuming a stimulant (coffee) on an empty stomach is a surefire way to wreak adrenal hormonal havoc and boost stress hormones even more so.
  3. Nose Breathing: We were designed to breath through our nose! Nose breathing is parasympathetic while mouth breathing is more sympathetic dominant…plain and simple.

    Reducing sympathetic stress = a reduction towards stubborn belly fat.

    When you mouth breath, you are negating many critical roles of the nose.

    Fact #1: Stated by many practitioners including this very detailed Better Health Video
    “Nasal breathing filters, warms, and moistens the air you take in. Nasal breathing also increases levels of nitric oxide; a key signaling molecule used throughout the body. We exhale too much carbon dioxide when we mouth breath. There is a loss of carbon dioxide over time that takes a metabolic toll on the body.”

    Fact #2: This Video is from Blake Bowman at Gorilla Zen Fitness; “Human beings are designed to breath through the nose at rest. The only time we should breath through our mouth is when our body is under intense metabolic demand; running from a lion (a sympathetic state of exercise).”

    Fact #3: Josh Rubin of East West Healing ( has a Metabolic Breathing Instagram page with plenty of information. One key item he discusses is “Mouth breathing or over breathing causes us to blow off too much CO2, making O2 less accessible. This is turn decreases the level of blood and cell CO2. When the amount of CO2 in the blood is lower, the transfer of oxygen to muscles and organs becomes limited.”

Ok, I know I got a little carried away with the nose breathing details but physiology is what it is! Most people are constantly breathing through their mouth and that might include YOU!

I feel that nose breathing is one of those hidden health treasures you probably are not practicing; allowing your body to lower anxiety and stress, reduce puffy belly fat, and return to homeostasis over time.

You now have 3 amazing tips to lacerate that stubborn belly fat!

As many of you know from reading my blogs, health is a journey and not a one week destination. Be patient with your practice and good things will come.

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