Motivational Quotes


Motivational Quotes

Is there something specific that you have been wanting to accomplish or a fear you have been wanting to reduce? Maybe sky diving, traveling to another country alone, telling someone you love them, confronting death or failure, or public speaking?

I can recall getting strong anxiety and my body would start sweating when I would think about a future possible moment when I MIGHT have to speak in front of a crowd. My fear of public speaking has drastically changed due to my actions.

I feel that quotes can be used as a stepping stone towards us taking action in life. I would have to say that one of my favorite motivational quotes is by Neal Donald Walsch…

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”

We could probably fill up a dictionary when it comes to motivational quotes. This specific quote above gives my brain and body a reminder that I still have things that I would like to accomplish throughout the rest of my journey.

One of my relatives bought me a magnet with this quote on it some time ago, and I still love looking at it whenever I need a verbal self reminder.

For me personally…I enjoy living life with minimal fears. I like to combat them with internal jiujitsu, which puts a smile on my face to see personal growth occur roughly over a few months time. Well, I’m not really fighting or combating it, but what I put my focus on is showing up for the challenge, being present to it, and completing what is required to lay down a foundation of experiences and reference points.

I was recently browsing through different motivational quotes, and a gentle reminder was brought to my attention from a very close friend and mentor of mine. We were having a deeper conversation and I remember him saying something along the lines of  “Damian, keep taking action and simply show up.”

This was the time where I was sick and tired of living with the fear of public speaking. I’m pretty sure public speaking is at the top of the list when it comes to people’s fears. If you think about it, most of us stop practicing after junior college or college. I was so damn tired of getting nervous and anxious whenever a speaking engagement occurred.

You might laugh at this but, I would think about a friend’s wedding I MIGHT have to speak at (a wedding that hadn’t even been planned yet for a future time)…and my stomach and bowels would start churning. Yes, it was intense! It was time to reduce that feeling. I joined Toastmasters at that time, and I slowly watched my confidence change and my anxiety diminish.

I still get nervous at times, but that’s just a natural part of the process that you work with. I love public speaking challenges that are put in front of me these days!

Are there any specific motivational quotes that resonate with you?

Check out a few online.  Find motivational quotes that creates enthusiasm for your mind and one that also stirs up a bit of the jitters for your heart. That’s the mix you are looking for!

It’s fine and dandy to read your motivational quotes daily, but it’s more important to begin taking the necessary steps beyond reading quotes, to create the path of success you are looking for.

Life passes us by pretty quick. Just like Neal said….

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.”


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