Confused About The Caffeine In Coffee?


Confused About The Caffeine In Coffee?

I was sitting with a friend the other day in the perfect Arizona weather, drinking a lovely Cup O’ Joe. We started gabbing about the amount of caffeine in coffee. (Picture a couple Jews, somewhat like Mike Myers old SNL “Coffee Talk”)

She made a funny comment to me regarding the tiny yet robust espresso that I was savoring.

“How can you drink that stuff, it’s so strong!” she belted out. “Plus, you are going to be vacuuming the ceilings when you get home!”

With a giant coffee smile I shared with her that I truly enjoy the slightly bitter taste of coffee. I was eager to sit and enjoy our time together, and was trying to avoid a side tracking nutritional monologue that I sometimes get myself into.

After her nutritional proving, I eventually started sharing details about how the caffeine in drip coffee is usually more than espresso (depending on the size and amount of course). Her facial features resembled a first time coffee drinker downing the bitterness for the first time. “You are off your rocker!” she replied to me.

Our conversation was lively and fun, with us turning to the internet to get a glance at articles sharing the caffeine in coffee numbers.

After doing a bit of detective diving, we decided to go with the mainstream Mayo Clinic website. If you look around, you will find that the caffeine in coffee numbers vary a bit but are fairly close.

According to their site, “The actual caffeine content of the same coffee drink can vary from day to day – even at the same coffee shop – because of various factors, such as roasting and grinding as well as brewing time.”

Here are some of the numbers from the Mayo Clinic’s site, regarding what you are sipping on…

  • Brewed Coffee: 8 oz. = 95-200 mg
  • Brewed Decaf: 8 oz. = 2-12 mg
  • Espresso: 1 oz. = 47-75 mg
  • Instant: 8 oz. = 27-173 mg

Even though espresso is quicker to drink and much smaller in size compared to regular coffee drinks, you will typically consume significantly less caffeine.

If espresso is a bit too strong for you, mellow it out by adding a touch of cream and a little sugar. A miniature late…wa-lah!

There is still a big debate about whether or not you should be drinking coffee. Coffee provides a slew of benefits, as long as it’s not bathed in and used as body wash. Take a look at my coffee article on Ezine Articles HERE.

The caffeine in coffee varies.

Depending on what type of coffee brew you like to drink and how much you consume, the amount of caffeine will fluctuate.

Notice how you feel from drinking drip coffee compared to espresso based beverages. Continue to enjoy your coffee beverage, but if you find yourself waxing your car and vacuuming the ceilings until midnight, consider adjusting your brew meter a touch. Cheers!

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