I have been exercising since the age of 15. For approximately 20 years now I have exercised alone. WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?? I don’t regret those years of gym rat passion, but I have finally seen a new dimension to my world of exercise. Over the past few months, the CrossFit workouts I’ve experienced have […]Continue reading


I want you to recall a good experience you had at a recent business you visited. Maybe it was a salon, a gas station, a coffee shop, or at a restaurant. Think about the positive interaction that took place. You might remember someone greeting you or chatting you up in an authentic way, a manager coming […]Continue reading


It’s a brand new year and happy 2015 to all of you! What better way to launch my first 2015 blog with a topic that will heat you up a bit. Before we get the blood pumping, first things first. The concrete definition of SMS is Short Message Service, also known as “texting.” I believe […]Continue reading


Baked Apples   I love the smell of festive fall dishes that include ingredients such as apples and cinnamon. During this time of year, baked apples are an easy, healthy, and versitle fruit dish you can whip up. Remember…using fruit is an optimal carbohydrate choice for restoring glycogen in the body, improving the thyroid, and boosting your metabolism. […]Continue reading


Confused About The Caffeine In Coffee? I was sitting with a friend the other day in the perfect Arizona weather, drinking a lovely Cup O’ Joe. We started gabbing about the amount of caffeine in coffee. (Picture a couple Jews, somewhat like Mike Myers old SNL “Coffee Talk”) She made a funny comment to me regarding […]Continue reading